Tipitapa – Week 55

[Week 2 in Tipitapa (La Bocana Area, Las Americas Zone), week 2 with Elder Cuestas]

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing great! This first week here in my area was interesting. First of all, the area is pretty cool; it has all the cool parts of Tipitapa, including beach on the huge lake by Managua. (I haven’t been yet but eventually!) We had about 2 normal days of work in our area. Thursday we had a zone meeting and it was fun getting to know some of the new people (2 of which came with me to the mission, Elder Charette, who was in my first area, and Hermana Lord who came with me and is almost dying! only 3 changes left! Crazy!) I met a recent convert named Susana who is super cool and we are working with the rest of her family so that they can get baptized soon! Also we are working with a woman named Maria Barrios who is the mom of three girls who are members, and we’re hoping that we can baptize her this week. The zone right now is doing pretty well and we’re trying to beat the record of baptisms in a month. But we definitely have to work hard and see some miracles to be able to do it. I was able to do the baptism of Nahomi last Saturday and it was awesome! I had literally worked with her for ALL of my time in Ruben Dario! Gigi was also baptized but by her member friend named Norlan. Jorsen never showed up to his baptismal interview and just didn’t do it so that was a bummer but definitely not uncommon here in Nicaragua. On Friday I went to San Benito and did some baptismal interviews with Elder Perry one of my good friends from when I was born In Matagalpa; we were in our training together! So that was awesome. Unfortunately the next day I got pink eye bad. I’ve heard there was some kind of epidemic and that there are like four departments of Nicaragua that have it everywhere. I got it from the president of the branch and his family, so I’m pretty miserable right now… I look like a zombie and all the Nicas have been very willing to tell me so. I went and bought some sort of eye cream that I literally have to just rub right onto my eye, haha, so that’s fun. But yeah I still need to get more used to my area but it looks like I’ll be running around for a while in different areas doing baptismal interviews.  Also I officially know every area in the zone. So that’s cool I guess, doesn’t happen to everyone! But yeah, that’s basically everything that I can think of that happened this week! Having church start at 10 is fantastic because before it was 8 and we were waking up at 0530… Here’s hoping for success in the zone and that well be able to baptize this week and that Jorsen can do it this week over there in Ruben Dario too! I think Ill try sending photos separate.

Elder Williams

Nahomi and Gigi baptism

Nahomi and Gigi baptism

Nahomi and Gigi baptism


Pink Eye!

Elder Cuestas and the district

Elder Cuestas




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