Tagged: Pictures

Picture from the President – Week 6.5

[This is a post from Mom and Dad] We just received a picture from the mission office, and thought we would post it right away.  This is of Elder Williams and his Companion (trainer), Elder Alofipo, with President and Hermana Poncio (the mission president and his wife).  So great to get the first picture of...

MTC – Week 1

[Early Morning Email] Right now we woke up at 5:30 to get laundry done early… Anyways, I don’t know either of those people that you mentioned, although my district is only made up of intermediate speakers. I think there are one or two other Spanish-speaking districts here that have people going to my mission so...

Entering the MTC

I entered the Provo MTC on August 3rd, 2016.  I went to the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport with my family early in the morning on Wednesday, August 3rd, and they went with me up to the security checkpoint, we said our goodbyes, and I walked away from them for two years.  Since I was arriving in...

Full-Time Missionary

I was set apart as a full-time missionary by my stake president, President Larson, on August 2nd, 2016 at about 8:45 in the evening.  I was to catch a plane early the next morning to Salt Lake City to report to the MTC.