Tagged: MTC

MTC – Week 5 (Last Week in the MTC)

Hey Everyone! I got my flight plans last Friday! I’m leaving at 3:30 Monday morning (Yeah, 3:30 AM) and I’ll be in Nicaragua by 8:30 PM that night! Pretty insane! This last week was pretty good! Everyone on my floor is sick right now because the MTC is a cesspool of germs and sickness but...

MTC – Week 4

Hey everyone! Well this week has felt like it went by really fast, only two weeks to go before I’ll be in the 96 degree rainstorms of Nicaragua! So this is a little weird but my comp and I can’t see what Nicaragua is like because we only have access to lds.org. So we wanted...

MTC – Week 3

[Note: Today is Hump Day for Cayman in the MTC…he’s halfway done] Can’t believe it has already been a week! I’ve pretty much been doing the same stuff, 12 hours (typo in the last message…) in a classroom. The devotionals have been fun though! On Sunday we had a band come and we had a...

MTC – Week 2

I don’t have much time, I just wanted to say hi to everyone and make sure everyone got it! Here are some funny spanish mishaps this week: Someone accidently asked me: “Piensa que hacer mas que Jesus?” Which means “do you think you can do more than Jesus” Also, that same person asked an investigator...

MTC – Week 1

[Early Morning Email] Right now we woke up at 5:30 to get laundry done early… Anyways, I don’t know either of those people that you mentioned, although my district is only made up of intermediate speakers. I think there are one or two other Spanish-speaking districts here that have people going to my mission so...

Estoy Viviendo [I’m Alive]

Hola, I am supposed to tell you guys that I made it here to the MTC safely and everything though I assume that Aunt Kim would have told you as much. Anyway, I survived the walk from the parking lot to the MTC. Unfortunadamente, I can’t read any of the messages you’ve sent yet. The...

Entering the MTC

I entered the Provo MTC on August 3rd, 2016.  I went to the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport with my family early in the morning on Wednesday, August 3rd, and they went with me up to the security checkpoint, we said our goodbyes, and I walked away from them for two years.  Since I was arriving in...