Tagged: Transfers

León – Week 66

[Week 1 in León (Malpaísillo Area,  León Zone), week 1 with Elder Ramos] Hey everyone, sorry it’s been so long since I have sent a big group email out! Its difficult to do with limited time and everything so I’m sure you’ll forgive me. We had an awesome week! Firstly, we had our final zone...

Tipitapa – Week 60

[Week 7 in Tipitapa (La Bocana Area, Las Americas Zone), week 1 with Elder Alvarenga] Hey everyone, I just wanted to send out a update. I stayed here in Tipitapa as the District Leader so that was tranquilo. Today I got my new comp, his name is Elder Alvarenga and he’s from Costa Rica.  He’s...

Managua – Week 54

[Week 1 in Tipitapa (La Bocana Area, Las Americas Zone), week 1 with Elder Cuestas] Hey everyone, hope everything is going well! This week was pretty interesting, we were running all over the place doing baptismal interviews really far from our area, Ciudadela and Loma Verde. Both nights we had to stay there with the...

Managua – Week 43

[Week 2 in Managua (Ruben Dario Area, Las Americas Zone), week 2 with Elder Baxter] Hello Friends and Family, MOTHER’S DAY It was good talking to my family for Mother’s Day. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day here in Nicaraqua, so I think that means I should be able to call again. Right? NEW AREA I liked...

Managua – Week 42 – Transferred to the Capital

[Week 1 in Managua (Ruben Dario Area, Las Americas Zone), week 1 with Elder Baxter] Hey guys! So I just started my seventh transfer of the mission. One more and I’m halfway! But anyway, I’m pretty disappointed I got taken out of Somoto (where the weather was actually getting pretty decent) and I’ve been sent...

Somoto – Week 30 – Transferred!

Hey everyone. So today was the worst day of my entire mission. I had to leave my area where I’ve been for 6 months. Yesterday, I had about 3 converts and investigators crying along with my son and the member we’ve been working with a lot. It basically felt like leaving home again. It was...

Matagalpa – Week 24 (Transfers)

[Week 18 in Matagalpa, week 6 with Elder Reyes] Well we got our cambos and I’m going to stay here again, with the same comp. I’m going to have about 6 months in the mission at the end of this cambio so I’ve been here for a while. I kind of wanted to leave and...

Matagalpa – Week 18 (Transfers)

Well this week was a pretty good final week with my trainer Elder Alofipo! We’ve been teaching some new investigators with some potential to progress which is awesome. We started teaching a couple that are really open and receptive so that’s been great getting to know them. Some of our investigators also invited us to...

Tarde Blanca

Matagalpa – Week 12 (First Transfers)

[Week 6 in Matagalpa] Tarde Blanca, New House, First Transfers So I just finished my first change (transfer)! I don’t have much time to write but basically I’m staying in my same area with my same trainer. He’s now the District Leader and we’re moving houses next week! Our new house is super nice (the...

Entering the MTC

I entered the Provo MTC on August 3rd, 2016.  I went to the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport with my family early in the morning on Wednesday, August 3rd, and they went with me up to the security checkpoint, we said our goodbyes, and I walked away from them for two years.  Since I was arriving in...