Tagged: devotional

MTC – Week 5 (Last Week in the MTC)

Hey Everyone! I got my flight plans last Friday! I’m leaving at 3:30 Monday morning (Yeah, 3:30 AM) and I’ll be in Nicaragua by 8:30 PM that night! Pretty insane! This last week was pretty good! Everyone on my floor is sick right now because the MTC is a cesspool of germs and sickness but...

MTC – Week 3

[Note: Today is Hump Day for Cayman in the MTC…he’s halfway done] Can’t believe it has already been a week! I’ve pretty much been doing the same stuff, 12 hours (typo in the last message…) in a classroom. The devotionals have been fun though! On Sunday we had a band come and we had a...

MTC – Week 2

I don’t have much time, I just wanted to say hi to everyone and make sure everyone got it! Here are some funny spanish mishaps this week: Someone accidently asked me: “Piensa que hacer mas que Jesus?” Which means “do you think you can do more than Jesus” Also, that same person asked an investigator...