Monthly Archive: January 2017

Matagalpa – Week 26 – No Time

[Week 20 in Matagalpa, week 8 with Elder Reyes] Elder Williams had no time to write a general message this week, but did send his mom and dad a quick note.  The had to wake up at 5 AM this P-day to go to Jinotega, a neighboring city, and climb to the cross with his...

Matagalpa – Week 25 – Successes

[Week 19 in Matagalpa, week 7 with Elder Reyes] Greetings from Nicaragua! I hope that everything is going well and I miss you all! This week was the best week of my mission by far. We did divisions with members every day this week and we ended up having only lessons with members, we ended...

Matagalpa – Week 24 (Transfers)

[Week 18 in Matagalpa, week 6 with Elder Reyes] Well we got our cambos and I’m going to stay here again, with the same comp. I’m going to have about 6 months in the mission at the end of this cambio so I’ve been here for a while. I kind of wanted to leave and...

Matagalpa – Week 23

[Week 17 in Matagalpa, week 5 with Elder Reyes] Sorry I didn’t write yesterday, the power was out in the city the entire day. I’m just going to share some pictures and some news! We went to the cross yesterday which is pretty much the most famous part of Matagalpa. It was a lot of...