Tagged: Matagalpa

Matagalpa – Week 24 (Transfers)

[Week 18 in Matagalpa, week 6 with Elder Reyes] Well we got our cambos and I’m going to stay here again, with the same comp. I’m going to have about 6 months in the mission at the end of this cambio so I’ve been here for a while. I kind of wanted to leave and...

Matagalpa – Week 9

[Week 3 in Matagalpa] Sorry everyone that I haven’t been sending weekly emails recently. It’s just hard because there’s no time on P-days to get everything done! the first weeks have been good but its definitely been a really difficult adjustment. I’m serving in the Matagalpa zone and my area is a barrio called Guanuca....

Matagalpa – Week 8

[Week 2 in Matagalpa] [Note from Mom and Dad:  Today is Cayman’s Birthday, and he got to spend it on a P-day.  He even told us that he was going to splurge and eat at Subway because it was his birthday (pictures included).] This week has been better I think. Everyday still feels like the same...

Matagalpa – Week 7

[Week 1 in Matagalpa] I don’t know exactly what the area is called that I’m living in. Its near Guanuca and its called Molinda Apartments next to a huge cathedral. Addresses are completely ridiculous here. Streets do not have names and the address is just based on how many blocks away something is from a landmark. There’s...

Matagalpa – Week 6

Hola de Nicaragua Hey mom and dad! I’m writing this from a “cyber” in Matagalpa. My first area is called Guanuca 2 and it’s in the city of Matagalpa, which is in the mountains so it’s not quite as hot (it’s still super hot, so I really hope I never have to go to Chinadega,...