Tagged: Arrival

Matagalpa – Week 6

Hola de Nicaragua Hey mom and dad! I’m writing this from a “cyber” in Matagalpa. My first area is called Guanuca 2 and it’s in the city of Matagalpa, which is in the mountains so it’s not quite as hot (it’s still super hot, so I really hope I never have to go to Chinadega,...

Travel to Nicaragua – Week 5.5

[This post is from Mom and Dad] Cayman is travelling to Nicaragua today from the Provo MTC.  He woke up very early and left the MTC around 4:00 AM.  We had sent him a disposable cell phone on another missionary parent’s recommendation as Cayman had received word that he was allowed to call home during...

Estoy Viviendo [I’m Alive]

Hola, I am supposed to tell you guys that I made it here to the MTC safely and everything though I assume that Aunt Kim would have told you as much. Anyway, I survived the walk from the parking lot to the MTC. Unfortunadamente, I can’t read any of the messages you’ve sent yet. The...