Tagged: Travel

Matagalpa – Week 20.5

[Week 14 in Matagalpa, week 2 with Elder Reyes] Hey sorry I didn’t write on Monday. We had a mission Christmas party in Managua in the Hilton so that was pretty cool. Except we left at 5 in the morning and returned at 9. And then yesterday I had to go back to Managua to...

Matagalpa – Week 20

[Week 14 in Matagalpa, week 2 with Elder Reyes] Elder Williams wasn’t able to write this week due to a lot of mission travel, including a mission Christmas Party, and a conference for his greenie.  We are hoping to hear from him soon. We are also trying to coordinate when we get to Skype with...

Travel to Nicaragua – Week 5.5

[This post is from Mom and Dad] Cayman is travelling to Nicaragua today from the Provo MTC.  He woke up very early and left the MTC around 4:00 AM.  We had sent him a disposable cell phone on another missionary parent’s recommendation as Cayman had received word that he was allowed to call home during...

MTC – Week 5 (Last Week in the MTC)

Hey Everyone! I got my flight plans last Friday! I’m leaving at 3:30 Monday morning (Yeah, 3:30 AM) and I’ll be in Nicaragua by 8:30 PM that night! Pretty insane! This last week was pretty good! Everyone on my floor is sick right now because the MTC is a cesspool of germs and sickness but...

Estoy Viviendo [I’m Alive]

Hola, I am supposed to tell you guys that I made it here to the MTC safely and everything though I assume that Aunt Kim would have told you as much. Anyway, I survived the walk from the parking lot to the MTC. Unfortunadamente, I can’t read any of the messages you’ve sent yet. The...

Entering the MTC

I entered the Provo MTC on August 3rd, 2016.  I went to the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport with my family early in the morning on Wednesday, August 3rd, and they went with me up to the security checkpoint, we said our goodbyes, and I walked away from them for two years.  Since I was arriving in...