Tipitapa – Week 59

[Week 6 in Tipitapa (La Bocana Area, Las Americas Zone), week 6 with Elder Cuestas]

Hey guys, sorry I didn’t write yesterday, we were in the hospital because my comp has been having a hurt back. It turned out to be nothing but they gave him some medicine so it shouldn’t hurt too much. We also went to the south mission and to the nicest mall in Nicaragua and had dinner! All without breaking the rules because the mission nurse took us there after the hospital. But yeah, we never had any time to write so I’m just sending a quick message right now to let you all know that I’m fine and that I’m doing well! I also cut my foot yesterday on some glass during a water balloon fight as a zone and it bled everywhere! Its pretty much already healed but I left bloody footprints all over the church. Umm this week was pretty good, the change is already coming to an end and I’m super sad for that because I have a ton of friends here in the zone and it has been super fun! But we’ll see what happens. We found even more people in the family of Sara that listen to us and want to go to church! So that was awesome, however for some reason they didn’t come with us this week so we have to go see what happened. We left with the branch president twice last week to do visits and that was awesome because we were able to introduce him to some of our investigators and we also met some new menos activos that we didn’t know before. I’m still kind of sick, coughing my lungs out. Not really sure why, but I’ve been sick this whole change. I think it may have something to do with the super awful house and all the dust in it. Umm, I cant really remember much else of what happened. I’m still doing a ton of divisions. 2 elders in my district celebrated a year in the mission so we went and had lunch with them and also burned a shirt! But yeah, a pretty normal week. Enjoying my time here, a little nervous about the upcoming changes because our zone is awesome! But yeah, I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Williams

Go Devils!

Water Fight where I cut my foot

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