MTC – Week 4

Hey everyone!

Well this week has felt like it went by really fast, only two weeks to go before I’ll be in the 96 degree rainstorms of Nicaragua! So this is a little weird but my comp and I can’t see what Nicaragua is like because we only have access to So we wanted to see if we could crowd source some Nicaragua pictures. If any of you have time and are curious to what Nicaragua is like, it would be awesome if you could reply to me and send some pictures/information/whatever about Nicaragua! We’re looking forward to it! It stinks because we can’t get a street view of Nicaragua from google maps because Nicaragua isn’t developed enough…

We we had a teacher yesterday who went to Costa Rica on his mission and he said that it rained pretty much everyday and that in the rainy season (right now) he was walking in the streets with water up to his knees. So that will definitely by interesting.

So some more mishaps/ funny stories this week. My comp and I were scheduled to teach TRC earlier than everyone else in our district so when we finished we were able to watch the other lessons of the people in our district through the computers because they have cameras in the teaching rooms. In one of the other lessons, the Elder didn’t know what he wanted to teach so he held out like 15 folletas (pamphlets) and asked “choose any pamphlet, its like a magic trick” and then he taught about the one the investigator pulled out. It was about tithing. Later the same elder, who is awesome by the way he’s just really laid back and chistoso, said “blessings from tithing are amazing. It’s like Santa Claus”. So that was definitely an entertaining lesson to watch.

Last week our TRC investigator committed to being baptized which was really cool because you could tell he really meant it and felt the spirit. (Of course he’s probably already a member because he’s acting as an investigator at the MTC…) But he definitely didn’t make it easy for us!

Another funny story is the elder that always has the best spanish mishaps (he’s a great guy he just is kinda always in his own world) was praying in Spanish and was specifically asking for blessings on the people of our missions (Argentina, Nicaragua, and Texas) and instead of saying “Nicaragua” (which is his own mission by the way), he said Guatemala and didn’t realize. He also gave thanks for our teacher Hermana Hicks (He combined our two teachers Hermano Hicks and Hermana Southard). We almost lost it. It may not seem funny to you guys but if you knew him it would be hilarious.

The other day before our teacher came to the classroom we pulled up her profile and when she saw it she turned bright red and couldn”t stop shaking her head hahaha.

Anyway its been a pretty good week! I’ve started 2nd Nefi in my spanish scriptures and I’m on page 200 of Jesus the Christ. I’ve been learning alot and definitely been adjusting better. I’m also the new district leader so that’s something new! Our district is awesome and we’ve definitely grown super close. Well, Adios!

Elder Williams

Finally took a picture with Cameron…er, Elder Hodges


Me with my Branch President


Another shot of the Provo Temple

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